Assay Card

Assay Card


In our pursuit of pharmaceutical precision, Concept Life Sciences delves into the organic solvent-water partition coefficient (LogD or LogP) with the finesse of the shake flask methodology. Our approach is anchored in a 10mM solution of sodium phosphate buffer at a pH of 7.4, mirroring physiological conditions. Octanol, a stalwart in our methodology, symbolizes the organic solvent, yet our flexibility allows for alternative choices that emulate the intended application environment of the test compound. The lipophilicity of n-octanol, a surrogate for lipid-bilayer membranes, sets the stage for simulating chemical distribution between n-octanol and the aqueous phase. This simulation unravels the compound's ability to passively diffuse across biological membranes, a key facet in the intricate dance of drug development within the Concept Life Sciences ethos.

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