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Hit Identification

Advancing your discovery project through rapid hit identification

Hit identification is the process of identifying promising compounds that have the potential to become therapeutic drugs.

The ultimate goal of hit identification is to provide a starting point for the development of a drug candidate that can progress through preclinical and clinical testing.

We use our expertise and experience to help you rapidly explore the chemical universe and identify potential leads from libraries of compounds. These include natural products, approved drugs, fragments, virtual collections and even PROTACs through our D2B platform.

  • BioPALS enables the rapid identification and comprehensive characterization of hits by combining AI-powered virtual screening with cutting-edge biophysical technologies
  • Fragment Based Drug Discovery (FBDD) enables more efficient exploration of chemical space, enabling researchers to identify key interactions between fragments and target proteins
  • Focused Screens enable the rapid evaluation of curated libraries for Hits with “Lead-like” properties specific to your target

We combine advanced chemoinformatics and modelling with our medicinal chemistry expertise to refine and prioritize hits, providing chemical start points adapted to each therapeutic area and drug discovery strategy.

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