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AI-powered hit identification and characterization

BioPALS is an innovative technology that enables the rapid identification and comprehensive characterization of hits with full binding kinetics, affinities and topologies. 

Compared to traditional HTS campaigns, BioPALS:

  • Screens billions more molecules
  • Reduces costs by 10-fold
  • Is three times faster

We achieve this through:

  • Efficiently triaging up to billions of compounds using AI-enhanced structure-based virtual screening driven by advanced structure-based technologies
  • Purchasing or synthesizing the virtual hits and then confirming them in vitro using three orthogonal biophysical techniques – Grating-coupled interferometry (GCI), Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) and Ligand-observed NMR, or other adapted bioassays

BioPALS is lean, providing high quality hits in weeks at a fraction of the price compared to classical techniques. This data-rich process facilitates the hit-to-lead and lead optimization stages, paving a leaner route to the clinic.

With BioPALS, the boundaries of virtual screening are continuously extended by incorporating cutting-edge AI technologies to fully explore the continually expanding chemical universe.

Get started today