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Spatial Transcriptomics

Gain a clear understanding of the spatial relationship between cell populations, tissue structure, function and therapeutic response

Our spatial transcriptomics services rapidly profile and quantify expression of RNA and protein from distinct tissue compartments and cell populations enabling the study of disease and how a therapeutic interacts with the tissue micro environment.

  • Discover, identify, or validate disease and response biomarkers to qualify the impact of your therapeutic in the context of the tissue environment
  • Gain a deep understanding of your therapeutic’s ability to penetrate and activate its target at both the cellular and macro environment levels
  • Spatially profile the whole transcriptome and over 570 protein targets separately or simultaneously from whole tissue sections, tissue microarrays (TMAs), or organoids to give you an unprecedented insight and understanding of both disease, disease progression and drug impact
  • Evaluate tissues, such as the brain, where macro organisation is crucial to function, aiding biomarker discovery, drug targets and distribution

Neuroscience: Understand the distribution of biomarkers and drug targets within and between distinct regions of the brain.   

Oncology: Investigate different tumor compartments including malignant, non-malignant, stroma and immune cells within the highly complex heterogeneous micro environment. 

3D models: Validate and improve models of healthy and disease tissue by comparing the spatial organization of transcriptome against its natural counterpart.     

We utilize:

  • 10x Genomics Visium®: Classify tissue based on total mRNA, mapping the whole transcriptome with morphological context in FFPE or fresh frozen tissues
  • NanoString GeoMx®: non-destructively profiles expression of RNA and protein from distinct tissue compartments and cell populations with an automated and scalable workflow that integrates with standard histology staining

Use Spatial Transcriptomics to:

  • Discover biomarkers predictive of therapeutic response
  • Profile the tumor microenvironment
  • Uncover drug mechanism of action
  • Reveal molecular subtypes for disease
  • Understand disease mechanism and progression
Get started today

Learn more about our spatial transcriptomics capabilities.