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In vivo/Ex vivo Toxicology

Our In Vivo and Ex Vivo Toxicology Services Support Regulatory Compliance and Mechanistic Insights.

We are experts in regulatory studies for investigative mechanistic toxicology in rodent species to investigate and establish the Mode of Action (MoA) and identify the Adverse Outcome Pathways (AoP).

We help clients design their studies to answer specific questions while offering our expertise in running mechanistic toxicology and regulatory animal studies. We also offer Ex vivo analysis of tissue samples to provide reproducible accurate data for regulatory submissions.

  • Enzyme Induction Assays (CYP/UGT) 
  • Enzyme activity assays
  • mRNA analysis
  • Mode of Action Studies (Nuclear Receptor Induction CAR/PXR/Ahr/PPARα) 
  • Histology and histopathology
  • Bespoke toxicology studies
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