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Biophysical Assays

Providing crucial insights into drug-target interactions

Biophysical assays offer a detailed understanding of how a drug candidate interacts with its target on a molecular level, providing information on binding affinities, kinetics, and thermodynamics.

This is critical for optimizing your hits and guiding medicinal chemistry efforts to enhance the potency and selectivity of your potential drug.

We’ve helped over 300 programs through their hit-to-lead process

  • Our blend of advanced technologies and expertise provides unique insights into how your candidate interacts with its target at a molecular level
  • Using the right interaction analysis, you can confidently quantify and characterize molecular interactions, streamline your decision-making process and reduce costly delays

We help to maximize accuracy and efficiency in your early-stage research by measuring the key molecular interactions that matter. We use techniques such as: surface plasmon resonance (SPR), grating-coupled interferometry (GCI), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and X-ray crystallography to help you understand how your drug is interacting with its target. 

The Questions we help answer:

  1. How strong is the interaction? 
  2. How many molecules are involved in the interaction? 
  3. How fast does the interaction take place and how stable is it? 
  4. What forces are driving the interaction?  
  5. What is the molecular structure of the drug and target? 
  6. How can we optimize your hit compounds with the help of our medicinal chemists to enhance the potency, residence times and selectivity of your potential drug?
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