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Cell Health and Proliferation

Detect off-target effects efficiently and reliably

Cell health and proliferation assays can be used to evaluate compound toxicity by measuring effects on cell viability or function.

They are essential in drug discovery, toxicology, and therapeutic development to detect off-target effects, using assays to measure cell viability or membrane integrity (e.g., LDH release, ATP assay). Alternatively, they can confirm intended on-target cell killing using more specific assays to confirm mechanisms like apoptosis (e.g., Caspase-3 activation, Annexin V). 

Available assays include:  

Viability assays detecting metabolic changes:  

  • ATP production  
  • Resazurin reduction  
  • Tetrazolium-based assays (MTT/MTS) 

Plasma membrane integrity assays

  • LDH release  
  • Dye exclusion (e.g., trypan blue exclusion, PI exclusion)  
  • Membrane permeability (e.g., Live/Dead assay)  

Organelle integrity assays: 

  • Mitochondrial membrane potential   
  • Mitochondrial ROS production  
  • Lysosomal pH  
  • Lysosomal enzyme activity  
  • ER stress  

Cell death signaling:

  • Apoptosis (Caspase-3 activity, Annexin V) 
  • Necroptosis (RIPK1 and RIPK3 phosphorylation) 
  • Pyroptosis (Caspase- 1 activity, IL-1β/IL-18 release, Gasdermin-D release)  

Imaging viable nuclei or cells:

  • Fluorescent labelling and live imaging of viable nuclei and cells  
  • High Content Imaging for in-depth morphological changes 
  • Kinetic measurement of cell density with IncuCyte

Example applications of cell health and proliferation assays   

How LDH-Glo measures extracellular LDH data
Diagram depicting how LDH-Glo® is used to measure extracellular LDH activity, as an indicator of compromised plasma membrane integrity.
LHD-Glo assay data example
Example data generated from a LDH-Glo® assay. NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor MCC950 concentration-dependently inhibited LDH release from THP-1 cells exposed to NLRP3-activating stimuli.

At Concept Life Sciences, we offer a comprehensive range of instrumentation and cellular systems to help design the most appropriate assay, ensuring alignment with experimental goals and the generation of meaningful data.  

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