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Focused Screen

Rapid validation of your hits in vitro

As part of the output from BioPALS and fragment based drug discovery (FBDD) cascades, we create focused libraries and perform screening to validate your hits.

We select assays from a portfolio of biochemical, biophysical, cellular and ADMET assays that meet your needs:

  • Biochemical screening uses purified enzymes, receptors, or other biomolecules to assess how a compound influences specific biochemical reactions
  • Biophysical screening complements biochemical methods by providing insights into the physical properties of drug-target interactions.
  • Cellular screening involves evaluating the effects of potential drug candidates within a cellular context, providing a more physiologically relevant assessment of drug activity.
  • For ADMET we have a diverse range of over 30 in vitro assays covering physicochemical properties, distribution, metabolism, and drug interactions, with a swift 5-day turnaround time for routine assays.
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