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Target Validation

De-risking your project from the start

Target validation is an essential primary step in drug discovery, increasing the positive on-target effects whilst minimizing those off-target. We help you mitigate the risk of investing in drug development programs by building a portfolio of knowledge about your target at an early stage in the development process.

Following target identification, validation of the target aims to confirm the relevance of the selected targets in the context of the disease and assess their suitability for drug development. This process involves rigorous experimentation to demonstrate the causal relationship between the target and the disease phenotype.

Expression profiling

Leveraging our expertise in bulk and scRNA sequencing, as well as bioinformatics, our scientists provide insights into the presence and relevance of the target of interest across multiple tissues.

Spatial biology

Multiplex immunofluorescence staining, RNAscope, spatial transcriptomics and proteomics enable the spatial phenotyping of cells across whole tissue. This aids target screening and validation, enhancing the understanding of the response to your candidate drug and its mechanism of action.

Functional analysis

We evaluate the biological activity of the target using a variety of in vitro assays to measure, characterize pharmacology and assess the effects of modulating function. We use standard of care molecules to demonstrate desired in vitro biological effect.


Biomarkers serve as measurable indicators of normal biological processes or pathological states, and are crucial in evaluating the efficacy of new drug molecules. They significantly enhance the success rate of therapies advancing to clinical trials. We have extensive experience in a comprehensive range of biomarker identification technologies and services:

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