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MDCK Permeability

In the realm of innovative drug assessment, Concept Life Sciences leverages the power of MDCK (canine kidney cell line) transfected with human genes, a technological feat resulting in cell lines that magnify the expression of vital human efflux transporters. These customized cell lines stand as invaluable tools in evaluating the efflux potential of test drugs. Notably, MDCK-MDR1, boasting human P-glycoprotein overexpression, and MDCK-BCRP, showcasing human BCRP overexpression, take the spotlight. Cultivated into monolayers, these cells manifest a barrier mimicking the complex interplay between the intestinal lumen and the blood supply from the hepatic portal vein. This strategic modeling enables us to gauge how test compounds navigate this physiological barrier, providing nuanced insights into permeability and active transport—an essential facet of Concept Life Sciences' commitment to precision in advancing drug development.

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