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In vitro and Ex vivo models of OPC maturation and myelination for drug discovery

Oligodendrocyteprecursor cells (OPCs) are a self-renewing cell population that gives rise tomature oligodendrocytes, the myelin-producing cells of the central nervoussystem. An intact myelin sheath is essential for fast and efficient signaltransmission along axons and provides physical and trophic support to neurons.

OPCdysfunction and myelin loss can lead to severe neurological conditions, such asmultiple sclerosis, and are increasingly proposed as major drivers of a broaderspectrum of neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. Drugdevelopment efforts are thus being directed towards the restoration of normalOPC function, creating the need for reliable in vitro modelsto assess therapeutic candidates in a controlled environment.

Herewe validated a rat OPC isolation and expansion method, and optimised conditionsto quantify OPC maturation in vitro. Inaddition, we validated mouse organotypic brain slices as a complex 3D model ofmyelination. Taken together, these models can provide a clear picture of theimpact of candidate therapeutics

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