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Spatial Biology

Profile disease and therapeutic response within tissues at the single cell level

We provide spatial biology services using techniques such as multiplex immunofluorescence staining, RNAscope, and spatial transcriptomics and proteomics permitting spatial phenotyping of cells across whole tissue.

  • We visualize and quantify multiple biomolecules such as RNA and protein in situ within a tissue at the single cell level. This enables you to study a disease and how your therapeutic interacts with the tissue micro environment
  • Discover, identify or validate disease and response biomarkers to qualify the impact of your therapeutic in the context of the tissue environment. You gain a deep understanding of your therapeutic’s ability to penetrate and activate its target at both the cellular and macro environment levels
  • We provide an end-to-end, GCP-compliant histology service from tissue sourcing and processing through to tissue staining and whole slide image analysis to support your evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and biomarker strategy

Spatial biology techniques can be used to drive forward drug discovery by aiding with target validation, biomarker assay development, target screening, and enhancing our understanding of drug response and mechanism of action.

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