Expert Knowledge


Literature Highlights: Issue 1

Welcome to the Concept Life Sciences literature highlights series!

We are passionate about helping our clients progress from Concept through to Clinic. If you’re looking to deliver a small molecule drug ,a big part of your journey is going to rely on synthetic chemistry services. You’ll need expert synthetic chemists to turn your medicinal chemistry ideas into reality, and to improve & optimise the properties of your hit compound furnishing an API. As your project matures, so too will the demands on the amount of API required. This is where process chemists enter the fray, they will develop your chemical synthesis to ensure you always have enough API to reach your next milestone. Concept Life Sciences supply the full suite of synthetic chemistry services and are the only partner you need between Concept and the Clinic.

Our chemists are experienced, skilled in the art of synthesis and have access to all of the latest technology: But we don’t rest on our laurels –we want to get better. One way we do this, is by continually updating our synthetic methodology that might be higher yielding, safer, greener, more efficient, more economical or simply novel. We don’t just rely on classic, old-school methods. If there is a better route towards a target compound, we’ll try it!

Every month a group of our chemists, those working at the fume hood, come together to peruse>20 journals from the primary synthetic chemistry literature, selecting a handful of articles that they feel will benefit our synthetic chemistry teams. Over the last 12 years the composition of the team has changed but the consistency has not. Together, the teams have internally published >110 editions of the Concept Life Sciences literature highlights – a fantastic achievement.

To coincide with the launch of our new website, we feel that our efforts filtering select literature will benefit the synthetic organic chemistry community at large, especially those synthetic chemists who don’t have access to the literature –or time to read it. So here we are – the first issue of our new-look literature highlights. We are content driven rather than date driven but we’ll aim to publish a new issue monthly. Some editions will contain a diverse selection of chemistries whilst others will focus on a specific topic. This month we have chosen to focus on nitrogen heterocycles: synthesis and reactivity.

Enjoy our literature highlights series!

Download our highlights here!

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