Assay Card

Assay Card

Androgen Receptor Assay Test No458

Concept Life Sciences engages the cutting-edge AR-EcoScreen™ cell line, a scientific marvel that embodies precision in the assessment of androgen receptor (AR) activity. This cell line, adeptly expressing the human androgen receptor, undergoes stable transfection with an AR-responsive luciferase reporter gene. The result is a powerful tool designed to discern chemicals' effects on AR-dependent transcription, differentiating between agonists and antagonists. Guided by the esteemed OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, specifically Test No. 458, our AR-EcoScreen™ Androgen Receptor Transactivation Assay (ARTA) unfolds in both agonism and antagonism modes. Ensuring the accuracy of our findings, we vigilantly check cell viability, creating a robust foundation for the interpretation of results. In the symphony of scientific precision, Concept Life Sciences champions advancements in AR-related research, offering clarity and insights vital for drug discovery and regulatory compliance.

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