Assay Card

Assay Card

Thyroid Hormone Modulation Assay

Concept Life Sciences, recognizing the critical importance of thyroid hormone homeostasis (THH) within the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (HPT axis), addresses the profound impact perturbations can have on growth, metabolism, and cognitive function across vertebrate species. In response to regulatory concerns about potential impacts on neuronal development, we have developed a robust platform of assays designed to unveil mechanistic insights into the modulation of thyroid hormone levels. These assays encompass TPO inhibition (across various species), inhibition of deiodinases in rats, dogs, and humans, sodium/iodide symporter inhibition in rats, cross-species comparative induction of UGT gene expression, and thyroid hormone receptor inhibition for human α and β isoforms. In this scientific symphony, Concept Life Sciences illuminates potential routes for thyroid hormone level modulation, contributing valuable data that aligns with our commitment to scientific excellence and regulatory compliance.

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