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Avoid late stage failures due to chromosomal changes

Genotoxicity assays evaluate the potential of a drug or therapeutic intervention to damage the genetic material in cells, which can lead to mutations and other genetic alterations.

These assays are essential for drug discovery, toxicology, and therapeutic development to detect potential genotoxicity and carcinogenicity.  

We offer a comprehensive range of instrumentation and techniques such as high content imaging, flow cytometry and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) which can be deployed to assess genotoxicity.  

Our team of scientists can help design assays to assess genotoxicity independently or as part of a comprehensive package. Integrating toxicity evaluation, target engagement, and mechanistic studies to align with your goals ensures delivery of meaningful data, efficiently.  

Available genotoxicity assays include:  

Detecting DNA & chromosomal damage:  

  • TUNEL to detect DNA fragmentation
  • γH2AX assay to detect DNA double strand breaks
  • Micronucleus assay  
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